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Healthy Beauty

7 Benefits of Massage for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that consists of pain throughout the entire body as well as concentration/sleep issues, mood problems and fatigue that have lasted for 3+ months. With an estimated 5 million fibromyalgia sufferers in the U.S. alone, many people are searching for alternatives to medication use. While there is currently no “cure” for fibromyalgia, many sufferers have found relief…


Why is massage perfect for Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s day is a great time for massage!   Have you been holding off on getting a massage? Do you want to feel better and connect more with yourself or a loved one? Well massage can help with that! Massage has many health benefits, including some that could improve your mood, connection, stress levels, pain, and overall happiness. Though there are…


Massage for Post-Op Recovery and Accelerated Healing

If you want to get the most out of your surgery recovery, you should definitely consider a post-operative massage. As its name suggests, a post-operative massage is a procedure performed on those who have undergone a general surgery, orthopedic or plastic surgery and require a period of rest and rehabilitation. What is a Post-Operative Massage? A post-operative massage is a…
