Massage as a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.

The benefits of massage on human body are countless and include increased immune function (by lifting the activity level of the body’s natural “killer T cells,” which fight off viruses), pain management, boost of mental health and wellness, stress relief and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches. Massage boosts immune system and relieve your tension, however, when your body is already fighting off a virus like Covid-19, a massage can actually make things worse.

When a patient can consider receiving a massage after contracting Covid-19.

According to current studies, the time from onset to clinical recovery for mild cases is approximately 2 weeks and is 3-6 weeks for patients with severe or critical disease. Recovering patients with mild symptoms become low-risk around 10 days after they first fall ill. One journal revealed that traces of the virus could persist in the body for up to two weeks after symptoms had vanished; as the patients were no longer coughing or sneezing. Other sources shown that the virus survived in one Chinese patient’s respiratory tract for 37 days – above the average of 24 days for those with critical disease status.

Two negative swab tests on consecutive days are considered as the all-clear – meaning self-isolation can end and a patient can theoretically begin having a contact with others, including massage. Massage will speed up your recovery process and it is a wonderful medium to get rid of tightness from all the coughing, sneezing and muscular pain.

Dealing with Coronavirus effects on the body.

Pneumonia caused by Covid-19 may be particularly severe. Coronavirus pneumonia tend to affect all of the lungs, instead of just small parts. During recovery phase, massage that includes percussive or tapotement techniques may be helpful in breaking up and moving mucus into the bronchial tubes. Other benefits include reduction of stress and relaxation of chronically short or tight muscles that are involved in breathing. It is often the case with asthmatics that the inspiration muscles become chronically tight so treatment aims are to reduce any restrictions or tightness in those muscles. Having work done to diaphragm, intercostals (muscles in between the ribs) and neck can greatly improve breathing.

Working from home.

Massage addresses all the symptoms associated with spending long hours working at your desk from home. It provides relief from head, neck and back aches, relieves stress and muscular tension, increases flexibility, providing relaxation to the affected muscles as well as the body as a whole. On the top of that, it does improve concentration, mental alertness, and reduces migraines. Massage therapy relaxes muscle tissue, which reduces painful contractions and spasms. Massage will also reduce nerve compression. When muscles are contracted, they might sometimes compress the nerves around them, causing such conditions as sciatica.

Don’t forget the beauty effects, where improved circulation revives the skin and complexion, with a change in colour that is noticeable almost instantly.

If you are an active individual, massage treatments will help you significantly in preventing injuries and increase a range of motion.

Next time a headache hits, book last minute massage! There is always an excuse to treat yourself!

Get in touch with the team at My Massage Haven with any queries.